Eagleworld.net Minecraft Blog More Minecraft than ever before!


Plugins and Promotions

Plugin Updates

Well, I fixed a few plugins and restored most of the server functionality.  The dynamic map is working again.  Before you start whining at me that it's not fixed, it only supports newer browsers, such as Google Chrome and Firefox 4.  If your browser is not supported, bother the plugin maintainer, not me.  I am not in the mood.

Shops are working again at this point.  LocalShops was conflicting briefly with SimpleShop, as they were using the same command (/shop).  That was fixed early on, so shops are working 100%.  There are still the back-end bugs the server spits out, but it is not causing any gameplay issues.

EDIT: Page 6 of the Global Shop does not appear on the server for some reason.  Again, this is the plugin developer, not me.  Glowstone, Sponge, and Soul Sand do not appear in the list, but they are for sale.  For prices in-game, use /shop check <item>.  For example, "/shop check glowstone" will show the sale price of Glowstone (10tl).  Also, the Global Shop page shows the list of everything.  If it's on the blog, it is for sale.


It's that time of the week, again.  I promoted a bunch of players last night.  This batch of promotions was all for the Architects.  Six Architects were promoted to Artisan.  These are the first batch of the "mcserverlist" people I've promoted past Architect.  I have already adjusted everyone's rank and awarded them their raises.  If you have not gotten your monthly salary yet, I gave your full new monthly salary.  Here's the list:

  • MirageSci - Architect
  • ZeronFX - Architect
  • Melany23 - Artisan
  • Nephylim - Artisan
  • _Nod_ - Artisan
  • tim3bandit57 - Artisan
  • MrKindLife - Artisan
  • openminded - Artisan
  • PoastToasties - VIP
  • Jon_Lupen - VIP

Congrats to everyone that got promoted!  Like I said, you should already have your new salaries and rankings.  If you do not, please let me know so I can make adjustments accordingly.

Posted by EagleRock

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  1. Congratulations to the people who got promoted! :D

  2. i love glowstone

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