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Bukkit Migration Update #1

BIG POST ALERT - I know it's a large post, but it's in-depth info on what to expect from Bukkit and Eagleworld in the future. It's probably worth a read. :-)

Just wanted to give everyone a bit of an update regarding the migration to Bukkit mod (from hmod). As most of you have seen by the Anarchy Mode server I've plopped on Delorean, the game is basically unplayable compared to what have been used to. No economy, no townymod, and not even freakin' warp points, lol. So, I've been working hard on getting the real server at least to a point where we can play it with the following:

  • Basic core functions we all need (warps, home, etc.)
  • Administrative functions (kick/ban, grief alerts, etc.)
  • Theft protection (such as LWC)
  • Basic Economy Plugin (iConomy with the /money command)
  • A global shop we can buy/sell from

That being said, there are plenty more things we're going to want on top of these core functions:

  • Townymod working as it was before
  • Server mapping functionality, preferably with updated block types
  • Player Shops at least as they were before (if not less cryptic)
  • Town monster protections (so we can enable monsters again)
  • The Nether!

The good thing about these items is that they don't prevent us from playing on the server while I work on them. We'll have all of that in due time, even though it'll take a while.

Anyway, here's the quick synopsis on how far I've gotten on Bukkit:

  • Cleaned up Minecraft directory and prepped it for Bukkit
  • Converted server map directory to Beta 1.3 format (I also checked around to make sure we had no map issues)
  • Retrieved stable build of Bukkit and successfully installed it
  • Installed "Essentials" plugin, which provides the core functionality that hmod used to give us
  • Converted old hmod warps to Essentials
  • Installed "Permissions" pluing, which enables user groups and the ability to grant/restrict permissions to player grous
  • Started work on applying permissions to user groups

The Permissions plugin is going to take me a while to get just right. It's one of those plugins that doesn't actually do anything, but makes the other plugins possible. It also has inspired me to implement a new ranking system for the server.

Potential New Server Ranking System:

  • Guest: - White color - The old default. For new players that have joined. Restricts building rights and only gives access to the most basic commands.
  • Builder: - Cyan color - Same as the former member rank. Gives basic building rights, full member access to mods (Townymod, iConomy, etc.), as well as the ability to use other fun stuff, such as /home and /kit. Not allowed to use destructive items (TNT, Lava, Flint & Steel), nor water buckets. Builders can, however, use water purchased from the Global Shop.
    (NOTE: I'm restricting water to discourage massive usage of it on the server, as well as to discourage water griefing.)
  • Architect: - Yellow color - A new rank that is an extension off the old member rank. Gives full water access, access to better kits, more commands, and other perks.
  • Artisan: - Green color - Same as the former VIP rank. A trusted rank that gives full access to all block types (including destructive items). Also receives better kits, more commands, more stuff.
  • VIP: - Purple color - This VIP isn't the same as the old one! VIP status will truly restricted to only the top members. VIPs will get access to new fancy commands that Bukkit provides, as well as other fun perks such as teleportation powers.
  • Mod: - Blue Color - The same as before. Mods are responsible for maintaining the server and assisting the Administrator. Has access to anti-griefing tools, kick/ban privileges, as well as iStick, the all-in-one admin tool.
  • Admin: - Red Color - The same as before. Has all the mod powers, plus many admins powers as well, such as the ability to spawn items. While I am unsure I will need more admins by myself, the rank is there in case I do.
  • r00t: - Red Color - The same as admin, except that it has full op privileges right from the minecraft application itself (not just Bukkit) and it can basically override anything. Since a proper security scheme should have one admin that can override even other admins in case of some severe compromise, r00t will stay reserved for me.

I'm not 100% sure I'm going to go through with this ranking system, but I'm still thinking it over. I felt like the difference between member and VIP was too much and wanted to give people more opportunities to be able to do more on the server without giving too many rights away to those I didn't truly trust for the role. I also wanted to make the ranks something else to make the server more fun, but not make it too hierarchical to the point where it detracts from the game in any way. I'm open to suggestions if any of you have any good ideas.

Anyway, seeing as it's almost 5AM here in NJ, I'm calling it a night. I hopefully will get a lot more done tomorrow, as I have no pressing things to do besides get Minecraft and Bukkit running!

Posted by EagleRock

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  1. Hello i have a question about the permissions pluggin. Is the only way to give a person a rank by entering there name in the [yourmapname].yml file (the canfig one) and then save and restart? or is there a command you can use which ranks them up in game throught either entering it in a user who has ‘*’ permissions or in console as i find it super annoying when im finding myself having to always restart the server due to ranking ppl :/ i have looked everywhere for an answer but i can never find one :/

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