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Here you go, Nick.

This one was requested by Nick.  He's been making pictures for everyone, and this one is regarding a picture he sent to Jen.  He requested it was put up on our fridge, and requested proof of it.  Here it is:

Posted by EagleRock

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  1. Dude! Nice PC room! also, I SAW JEN! :O

  2. Haha best update ever… EVAR! totally made my day!

  3. Were those grape-nuts on the top of your fridge?

  4. our whole world in that little box

  5. Not a single comment about my guitar? MC PEOPLE…..I AM DISAPPOINT! :p

  6. Trevor and his meaty white arms make him look like he goes red neck fishin with tnt

  7. I now understand why it takes a long time for colorado roads to finish up, doing crappy stuff takes longer then normal stuff.

    also trev, that was one of those paper ones they sell at walmart right? Don’t play when your hands are sweaty dude.

  8. Lol. Funny shit *no pun intended

    “Its my duty to carry the doody”, genius.

  9. OK.. 1) why does jen have a picture of me on her desktop? and 2) am i the only one that noticed at the end he said “and im gonna end this call”

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