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Griefing Report: Trevor’s Warp Point

And so continues the endless cycle of griefers.  Just when I thought I had done enough "user weeding" to separate the proverbial wheat from the proverbial chaff (yes, it's a proverb...read Matthew 3 if you're so inclined), I am introduced to yet another individual devoid of intellect that believes he can pull the wool over my eyes.  Said individual received said wool up said person's ass.  And yes, it was painful.

The Case: Trevor's Warp Point, magicaltrevor

A particularly warm Spring Friday gave birth to this story, as I was signing online for an evening of Minecraft.  I was delightfully pleased to see many players online, despite the fact that Minecraft was already up to 1.6.4 and Eagleworld was still on 1.5_02.  To me, it was a sign that the general intelligence level of the human populace was going up.  Oh, but was I ever mistaken.  It was just fate taking a stab at me and reminding me at how stupid some people could be.

One of the server veterans, SilentCobra, was finally in a state where he was able to use his computer again for gaming, thanks to some brief instruction on how to clean out dirt and pet hair properly.  He was preparing to sign on the Minecraft server after a long haitus while I was conversing with in-game players.  While conversing with players as such, I generally "hop around" aimlessly and don't really play as much as I wander.  My wanderings took me to an unwelcomed sight.

I had seen Cobra's unfinished Link statue in the distance, but it looked like it was covered in water.  One of my moderators, SpaceNinja, recognized it as well.  I warped over to there immediately to inspect the situation.

While one block of water on the statue would not have bothered me as much, the fact that there was 10-15 blocks placed did.  The whole statue was coated, and this was beyond the usual playful behavior on behalf of the server players.  Naturally, my trusty bbstick would tell me who caused the issue.  I quickly found out it was deathsbones.

I figured this may have been an extreme version of playing around up to this point, until I found out Cobra's TriForce was also griefed, as well as his shore house.  His shore house was the worst.  Blocks broken, water poured all over inside...the works.  It was griefing, through and through.  Malicious intent was apparent.

I knew immediately that our community's favorite griefer would not sign on soon, because he was too inflicted with SNS Syndrome to bother staying on Beta 1.5.  So, without fear of him logging on soon, I would wait until I update for him to sign on.

The Confrontation

Here's the point where I would make you laugh your ass off.  He hasn't signed on since, though, so I can't do that though.  But I have not executed the ban yet.  I'm hoping I can still squeak a pwn out of this guy.  :-P

The Verdict and Aftermath

I think the verdict speaks for itself: deathsbones was permabanned.  Guilty as charged, and an idiot to boot.

And for my usual Jerry Springer "Final Thoughts" moment, I leave you all thinking of this: if you honestly and genuinely think you can get away with griefing on my server, please do yourself a favor and resign now.  It'll save you a whole lot of trouble.  I'll just undo everything you did (and I mean EVERYTHING...not just the griefing) with one command, and I will ridicule you in front of everyone.  You will be pissed off, you will hate me, and you will be reminded that it is not smart to screw around with someone smarter than you.

By the way, that's not a compliment to myself.  By me saying that I'm smarter than the griefers, that's like me saying I'm smarter than, oh, a papaya.  Not much of a compliment, is it?

Also, to those of you that like to screw around with other players: let's remember something.  There IS a limit of what I will tolerate, even if it's just for fun.  Placing a sign or two on someone's house, as described in the rules IS okay.  Using 20+ buckets of water and breaking glass all over...not so much.

Posted by EagleRock

Filed under: Griefing Leave a comment
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  1. This right here is why I wanted to join this server. It’s nice to have a guy in charge with both the means and inclination to protect your stuff.

  2. awww, looking forward to the laugh my ass off part.

  3. Did you save me his stereo?

  4. And THIS is why your server is one of only two that I play on. Thanks for pickin’ the weeds out of the garden.

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