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Yes, I am aware Minecraft is now on 1.7

Before you even start, I'll stop you right there.  I go through this every update, and nothing is going to change about how I do things, so don't bother trying to convince me otherwise:

I am not updating Eagleworld to version 1.7 until it is damn good and ready.  It will stay on 1.6.6 until most or all plugins are running nice and stable on the latest version.

If you're not sure what to do about it, please read this post regarding backing up your files.  If you already updated your Minecraft installation, then there is nothing I can do to help you.  I also recommend reading this post I made a while back regarding this exact situation.

And if you have no clue why it is so elaborate and takes so long to upgrade the server when it is "just updating it," expand the spoiler below and read what I have to do every update:

Spoiler Inside: Minecraft Beta 1.7 Upgrade Plan

And yes, all that crap is really necessary, at least if you want a server that runs properly and all the time (otherwise it doesn't matter).

So, needless to say, bugging me about updates will only piss me off and possibly slow me down.  Otherwise, you are doing no good by complaining that the server is outdated.  I have to not only wait for Bukkit to get up to speed, but every plugin we depend on as well.  So, it is going to take time.  This is why I mention to everyone that joins this server that patience is a requirement for playing on Eagleworld.

In exchange for that patience you will get a server that hardly ever goes down (usually only 1-2 minutes a day for nightly maintenance), a well-backed-up map, and a multi-level anti-griefing system that has not failed to perform yet.  So, continue to enjoy 1.6.6 until 1.7 is ready!

Posted by EagleRock

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  1. i wish notch would take the same approach

    • Well, the best thing Notch could do to assist this is to create a modding API that plugin developers can use. The problem is the Bukkit team has to create a server wrapper to produce this API. The wrapper basically needs to hook in to all the different functions in the Minecraft server application to provide additional features, such as warps, iConomy, etc. The problem is every version, the functions in the Minecraft application change slightly, just enough to break Bukkit from working. They have to redo the API to work with all the functions again, which changes the API slightly, just enough to cause most plugins to stop working. Then, plugin developers need to redo their application to work with the new API.

      Notch has taken a “it doesn’t matter that much” approach to the modding API, which means we have to follow the same approach every upgrade. Once we have a full-fledged server API, plugins will not necessarily break every update, and will usually only need to be updated to take advantage of new game features (such as new items, monsters, etc.). That will take a lot of steps out of this and make it very streamlined to upgrade the server safely and in a stable manner. Until then, we get to follow the same rigamarole every time.

      • doesnt the modding api come out next update?

        • It’s supposed to, but then again, he wanted to bring out the modding API back in 1.6. It keeps getting pushed back. I remember a tweet where Notch was saying how much more fun it is to develop cool new items rather than the API…that told me everything I needed to know about the priority the modding API has.

          So, long story short…I am not holding my breath.

  2. DO………….NOT………….UPDATE…. I will have to redo all My TNT traps around moosecreek and the one I put under eagle manor. Wait, I mean “The other traps I left in other non specific, unlabeled places.”

    YOU are not allowed to 1.7 Ever.

    That is all.

  3. I have NO problem with waiting as long as you want to update. we already know this is beta stuff. I don’t know why people would want to make the problem worse by having bleeding edge stuff.

    if someone really needs to play with the latest toys, they can look up how to switch between versions and play single player or other servers. much easier than what you will need to do to update the server.

    Am I understanding correctly that updating the client will cause it not to work on eagleworld? if yes then I feel bad for those who can’t join. not much we can really do about it, would be nice if notch and co would let people download the last couple versions. seems to me that is common practice for software that is updating often.

  4. Lol anyone who updates has SNS Syndrome.

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