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Bukkit for 1.5 Delayed

Hey, everyone.

Just a heads up for those of you that are still afflicted with SNS Syndrome.  Bukkit for SMP 1.5 is going to take a while.  The Bukkit team just released a post on their blog stating the reasons why. You can read the details from the Bukkit team's blog using this link.  I recommend that you do, just so you realize what happens on the back-end of this game.

The basic jist of the post is as follows:

  • Beta 1.5 is riddled with bugs, as most of that have tried it know
  • Updating Bukkit at this time will be futile because of all the bugs
  • Mojang will probably be releasing multiple updates to fix 1.5 in the next few days
  • The Bukkit team will start working on a Beta 1.5-compatible Craftbukkit once SMP is stable

A prime example why having SNS Syndrome is a bad idea.  Even the Bukkit team doesn't want to touch Beta 1.5 in its current state, and frankly, I can't blame them.

In other news, when I DO roll out Beta 1.5 on Eagleworld, I'll make some kit tweaks, and I will allow guests to use /tpaccept, so they can be teleported by Architects and Artisans.

Posted by EagleRock

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  1. better late than never
    take your (valve) time i say :D

  2. Can we plz have a rough etimate of the time it will take to get everything up and running again

    • Ask the Bukkit team, not me. I don’t have control over the Bukkit team, nor do I have control over all of the developers that make all of the plugins we use. I can’t give a ETA on something I can’t predict.

      I should note, however, that the server is running 100% on Beta 1.4. There is no reason you can’t play right now.

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