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1.7.3 Status

Hey everyone!

Just a quick update to keep everyone abreast of the situation: Right now, Bukkit doesn't have an official release for 1.7.3, but Dinnerbone, one of the Bukkit team developers, has given a link to an unofficial build that is stable on 1.7.3. He stated that it is not formally part of their code repository, but it will be soon. I think it is safe to start working with that build.

Unfortunately, time for me lately has been extremely scarce for personal reasons. Therefore, it might take me a little while to roll this one out. I'm shooting for Monday/Tuesday, but that isn't guaranteed. Either way, it'll involve playing the plugin version game and scraping together a stable environment.

So, hopefully you should only have to wait another day or two, then it's time for pistons!

Posted by EagleRock

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  1. Wooo pistons!!

  2. wow, coming out faster than I expected.

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