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A Serious Issue

This one is serious.  Not like the "SNS Syndrome" post serious.

People don't play on the server anymore.  Period.

The past two weeks have been nothing but people logging in, bitching to nobody that nobody is on, then logging out after 10 seconds.  I got news for you complainers:


Previously, if nobody was online, people would log in and start playing, because they knew new players would be on eventually.  And, sure enough, people would sign on throughout the day, and there would be a steady influx of users throughout the afternoon and especially the evening hours (server time, anyway).  Nowadays, however, people are expecting instant gratification and if they do not see people online at all, they immediately log off.

I am going to dispense with the posting of server logs, but quite a few of you have been missing each other by literally less than a minute apart.  Had some of you stayed logged on for literally a single minute, you would have had someone else to play with.

I cannot do much else to solve this issue.  The only thing I can do is to stay logged on the server 24 hours a day and let you people know that 5 other people logged in during the previous hour, but none of you were willing to wait for one another.

As far as new players, I'm working on some solutions for that as well, but it requires time that I have little surplus of.  Keep in mind keeping this server requires time and effort, which I still have to do whether you play for 10 hours or 10 seconds.  It gives me serious pause to consider keeping the server running once 1.8 comes out considering how little people use the server.

If you are concerned that the server has no players, don't be.  I get at least 10 different players hitting the server throughout the day, some of you 8-10 times a day.  However, considering the total time people play is rarely over a minute, it's no shock none of you ever meet up.

Long story short: yes, people play on this server, and no it's not dead yet.  However, it WILL BE if you keep up the "stay logged in 10 seconds waiting for players."  We are also still getting new players in, by the way, but since I have no active admins/mods but myself, a lot of them get missed.

It would be nice if a few of you actually bothered to stay logged in for a little while, so that way the logged-in population can grow to a decent amount like it used to.  People ARE playing, and they WILL log in, but I can't do this all myself, especially when I spend a good amount of my time maintaining the server...which I have my reservations of continuing.

At this point, all I have to show for the work I do is an empty server and a bunch of people bitching at me that the server is always empty.

Posted by EagleRock

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  1. Josh was visiting, so he logged on to minecraft and left auto sign in on without me knowing, so i logged on to his and onto the server to see I was on his, so I logged off and got on mine. That case was just me messing up :P

  2. last couple weeks I haven’t had time at all to play. in my case it’s been a combination of real life intruding and my laptop having more and more problems.

    I don’t understand why someone would bitch about it then not wait around. that’s just stupid. And personally I’m not concerned if I jump on and no ones on.

    • Well, let me clarify that I’m in no way chastizing those of us with real-life priorities. A game should never take priority over real-life concerns. I’m merely stating that there is a whole bunch of people that play on this server that complain when nobody is online, yet they are the ones causing the issue.

      In your case, of course, I would never complain. Thanks for the comment!

  3. I want to play so badly, but I physically cannot. Unless my school unblocks Minecraft or someone can tell me how to get around a port block, I’m out for a while unfortunately. :(

  4. im not giving an excuse, ive done this. i worked on it. i stopped.
    it is possible. just, stay alittle while longer. start doing something.
    it gets better… lolz

  5. Whenever I log in and manage to get some playing time, whether its for 10 mins or an hour+, that’s all I can manage due to Real life things that have been going on the past few months, and sadly, raiding in World of Warcraft takes away alot of my minecraft playing time. So if I come across as one of those people that log in and don’t play much, then I apologize. I’ve really been playing as much as I can lately.

    • No worries. Again, your case is not one I’d even consider chastizing. If you’re busy, you’re busy. If you were going to log on for an hour, so be it. But don’t log in, log off right away when nobody’s on, then have the nerve to come up to me and complain about it, lol.

  6. ^^Real life? and raiding world of warcarft? your comment is complete jibberish good sir

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