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Okay, NOW it’s time for SNS Syndrome…

Yeah, I'll admit it...I can't wait for damn Bukkit to come out.  :-P  I do promise you all that I'm going to work as hard as I can to get this pushed out to production as soon as Bukkit is stable.  A lot of the plugins we need are current as of the latest stable Bukkit...so I'm hoping there will be a fast push for all of our new plugins.

As far as making final decisions on the towns, I will definitely approve some of them once the server goes live again, but I won't deny any town applications right away.  I wish to give everyone a fair chance and let some new blood come on the server to see if they are on-board with the ideas too (for those of you having trouble finding citizens).

So, keep patient, and I promise it'll pay off.  I am closely paying attention to www.bukkit.org, and will get you back to the old (and new) Eagleworld as soon as I can!

Oh yeah, one other little note: Delorean has hit a milestone!  The server has finally hit an uptime of over 1 year.  It's my first home server to do so, and it's still running just fine!

eaglerock@delorean:501:~$ uptime
 07:56:37 up 376 days, 16:05,  4 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.05, 0.01

Is it any wonder I love Linux?  :-)

Posted by EagleRock

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  1. i kinda lost interest in minecraft though i think thats just cause i didnt have a place to show other people the dumb crap i make. when the servers up ill totally be making something i dont even know

  2. Yea I can’t wait to craft some mines again.
    And server birthday woo!!

  3. needs a birthday cake

  4. So I had these awful headaches preventing me from concentrating on anything… They wouldn’t go away, so I called the doctor and scheduled an appointment. He sits me down and asks me what was going on and I told him, “I’ve had these awful headaches and they won’t go away… although it seemed to start after minecraft 1.0 was released, think that has anything to do with it?” he pauses then gets up and walks out of the room. The door opens a few minutes later and he comes in and slowly sits down with a solid expression on his face, “I’m sorry to tell you, but you have diagnosed with a fatal case of SNS sydrome…” and that was that, apparently i’m only suppose to live about 6 more days soooo, see you guys around.

  5. Anyway, congrats on the server pete! :D I’m very excited for the new server map and everything sounds like it’s going fine

  6. Hey! ive been off the sever for quite a while now and cant log into it! just wondering whats the story?

  7. Can I make candyland?

  8. butterscotch paved streets nona

  9. Any day now…

  10. Of course and a big giant ass cake for me to lives in or maybe a pie….pete likes eating pie right?

  11. Oh shit, RB tonight!!!!

  12. It here RBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKJHFGDSFGSDGKHDSHGFVBSDFJKDSFVSBVFVKVSD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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