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Server Upgrade Status

Hey, everyone!

Just a quick status update on Eagleworld upgrading to 1.0:

As most of you probably know already (those of you crazy enough to check the blog every day anyway :-), the Bukkit team has released their Recommended Build of Craftbukkit for Minecraft 1.0!  This is obviously a big step towards being ready to get Eagleworld back in full swing, and will mean our long wait will have paid off.

While we still have to wait for all the plugins we need to be updated, I can do a great deal of the sweat work in updating the server now.  Most of the major plugins, such as Essentials, release non-stable builds which aren't good enough for production use, but good enough for me to test and configure the server.  Therefore, I have already started the update process.

Here's a quick rundown of what I did so far:

  • Got Minecraft 1.0.1 running on the new server instance
  • Generated the new map with the chosen seed and selected the spawn point/general location of Capitol City
  • Installed Bukkit successfully
  • Installed Essentials and GroupManager (the permissions plugin) successfully
  • Fully configured the new Essentials configs (however, not yet the permissions for the plugin)
  • Installed iConomy successfully and imported the database to the new version

The next big step is going to be redoing the server permissions for Essentials and iConomy, which is the majority of the permission configs I have to do.  After that, plugin installation and configuration will go relatively smooth.  As far as what new things everyone can expect from Eagleworld...let's just say Essentials alone is going to bring us a lot of stuff that will make everyone's lives a lot easier and more fun!

While we wait, in the meantime, what I'd like everyone to do is to reply to this post with their official pledge to what town they wish to join when the server gets running.  I am ready to start approving towns, and would like some official word from the members for me to make my decisions.  All town descriptions can be found on the last post, with the exception of ZackBlaze164's town.  I need to get all town specifics from him again, unfortunately.  The basic gist of his town is that he will run it like a city from the Roman Empire, complete with structures from the time period, as well as city-provided services expected at the time.  I'll post the full details as soon as I have them.

Anyway, I'll attempt to give regular updates on what's happening so everyone can stay abreast of the upgrade.  I'm hoping I will have something to report every day, so you can expect daily posts.  So let's hear those town pledges!

Posted by EagleRock

Comments (10) Trackbacks (0)
  1. Ill be in Capitol that is of coarse if there is still a lonely hill with my name on it

  2. Thrice for me :D

  3. I hadn’t the foggiest where i wanna be.

  4. I’m joining Karaktar’s Ironforge.

    But I don’t think I will have much time to play anytime soon. Maybe after holidays are behind us things will calm down.

  5. Thrice baby. The luxury district!

  6. gotta stick with my nebraskan bros.
    Thrice it is.

  7. Im crazy? i knew it.

  8. Exciting! I want to join Capitol :)

  9. Very exciting, I’ve been eagerly lurking and waiting for the server to update. I can’t say I’ve given a town much thought yet though. I would be interested in The Capital, Thrice, or Awkward Silence. If any of those are hurting for people I’ll join up, otherwise I’ll probably wait to see them in game before making a decision.

  10. also what pflee said

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