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kMod updated to v0.9!

Well, hclewk is working extra-hard on kMod, and things are starting to shape up very quickly, and very nicely. He has recently updated kMod again early in the morning (twice!), which should fix more issues that we have been experiencing. Server is now fully updated to Minecraft Beta 1.2_01 and kMod 0.9. According to hclewk, this update should fix several plugins that use right-clicking, including LWC! Here's a new rundown of the bugs we've been experiencing, what has been resolved, and what has not. As you can see, most of the stuff is fixed by now:

Bugs that were fixed in 0.8.5 but need regression testing:

  1. Opening chests with items in hand now works as it should.
  2. The duplication bugs have been resolved.
  3. Placing blocks on yourself no longer occurs.
  4. Buckets work properly now.
  5. All food works as it should.
  6. Eggs and snowballs can now be thrown again.
  7. Ladders can now be placed properly.
  8. All new blocks are now able to be placed.
  9. Regular torches can now be placed with no orientation issues.
  10. Animals are spawning normally.
  11. You can now use dye on blocks and place it properly.
  12. You can use dye on sheep properly.
  13. Redstone is strange when the server first starts up but will return to normal working state after the server is running for a few minutes. Levers also work strange initially but work after the same amount of time.
  14. HUD experience no delays or slowdowns since the latest update.
  15. Boats can now be properly placed, as well as ridden.
  16. Torches now properly get placed on snow.

Bugs I have not confirmed either way:

  1. If you lay a birch tree, the white trees, they'll come out as normal brown trees.
  2. Any other block placed on snow floats.. (Guessing this happens with steps too and floor plates.}
  3. Using a bow with arrow in your inventory makes the shooting sound and decreases the number of arrows you have, but the arrows are not shot, or if they are, they are invisible, do no damage, and cannot be picked up.
  4. iStick is currently not working.
  5. GriefAlert is not working 100% reporting should now be resolved as of 0.9).
  6. The HUD doesn't have the extra effect from the patch update where the items grow larger then shrink back to normal size to indicate you picked something up.
  7. Stairs still have the orientation bug where they will only face North.
  8. Need to test whether redstone torches can be placed without the orientation bug.
  9. Need to test LWC.

Bugs that are known to be unfixed:

  1. None yet...need to test!

Again, as with the previous update, please please please help me test this stuff so I can get a confirmation either way. If you can confirm whether or not a bug is still occurring on the server, it'd help me big time.

Posted by EagleRock

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