Eagleworld.net Minecraft Blog More Minecraft than ever before!


Eagleworld is now on 1.9pre5

Hey, everyone!

I have updated the minecraft test server to 1.9 prerelease 5.  Please get the Minecraft jar file here:

Download Here

The instructions are here:

Spoiler Inside: Installing Minecraft 1.9 Prerelease 5

Updated Town Applications

Here's the latest list of town applications that I have.  Remember that NO TOWNS HAVE YET BEEN APPROVED.  Please take advantage of this list to determine what down you are interested in joining.  If you have a town application you want to submit to me, please read the Server Info page and read up on what you need to prepare!

Spoiler Inside: Capitol City - EagleRock
Spoiler Inside: Thrice - Runninghobo
Spoiler Inside: Awkward Silence - Openminded
Spoiler Inside: Ironforge - Karaktar
Spoiler Inside: Xenturz - XmetroidfanX
Spoiler Inside: Unknown Name - ZackBlaze164

As I get more town applications, I will post them here.


Posted by EagleRock

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  1. They changed the iron texture, I’m PISSED.

  2. So with mincon coming to a close and mc finally released im looking forward to playing with everyone again <3

    Come on bukkit team.

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