Eagleworld.net Minecraft Blog More Minecraft than ever before!


Tons ‘o’ Updates

Posted by EagleRock

Okay, I got a bunch of changes I did today, so allow me to fill you all in:

Craftbukkit/Plugin Updates

A bunch of plugins got updated, along with Bukkit itself.  So far everything seems to be working nicely with no issues (at least no new ones...).  The big changes to the server involved Essentials and LWC.

Door Redstone Protection Added

Thanks to the latest version of LWC, you can now protect your locked doors against redstone circuitry!  Type /lwc flag redstone on and left-click a door to turn on redstone protection and disable an override of a locked door.  If you want to enable redstone again, type /lwc flag redstone off.

Note that all locked doors DO NOT have this protection by default.  So, if you have doors you want to disable redstone on, you must turn on the flag for each one. Do not assume the redstone lock is there.

New Essentials Commands

There are bunch of new commands thanks to the Essentials plugin!  Here's the list of them and who has access to them:

  • /whois - Builder - Now you can see player info at a glance!  Displays their username, any nicknames they are currently using, their account balance, their location, whether they are AFK or available, and their current health.  Very handy if you are trying to figure out who is using what nickname!
  • /clearinventory - Architects - Architects or higher can now clear their own inventories.  Clearing other people's inventories are still restricted to mods or above.
  • /ext - VIP - VIPs, Mods, and Admins can now extinguish a player on command!
  • /burn - Mods - Mods can do the opposite, too!
  • /jails - Mods - Since we can set multiple jails, use /jails to see the list of them when you want to jail a player.

Global Shop Additions

I am adding gunpowder to the Global Shop, as it is a highly requested item.  It's not cheap, but not too expensive, either.  TNT works out to be about 10tl each.  Note that buying gunpowder without access to use TNT doesn't let you place it.  You can also sell gunpowder to the store as well, if you have extra and are looking to make a few extra Talons.

If you can think of anything else that should be added to the store, let me know.  Note that I have no way of adding cocoa, so don't bother asking.  The plugin still does not support damage values (which is how dyes are differentiated), so there is no way for me to sell it.  I either have to wait for the plugin to support it or change plugins.  The latter option I could do, but it would take me time.

And that's about it.  Have fun with all the updates!


Eagleworld updated to Minecraft 1.4

Posted by EagleRock

Hey everyone.

Well, it took me staying up until 4AM and about 15 hours of scouring code repositories for plugins, testing, migration, updating, and other crap, but Eagleworld is now stable on Minecraft SMP verion 1.4.  I'll just quickly bulletpoint the changes made:

Latest Server Build

  • Craftbukkit is now on the latest recommended build, 617.
  • Essentials 2.1.11 is successfully installed and all configurations are updated.
  • iConomy is now on 4.6.5 and works fine on 1.4.
  • Townymod is on an unofficial build at version 0.61, updated for 1.4.
  • LWC is up to version 2.11, updated for 1.4.
  • BigBrother is on a snapshot build of 1.7.2, but is working fine.
  • SimpleShop was not updated as of 1.3, but works on 1.4.
  • LocalShops was updated to 2.2.0 and works fine.
  • CreativeStick is updated to 0.6.0, which despite being a 1.3 plugin, works fine.
  • FlatEarth is on version 0.6, and works great with 1.4.

As you can see, I had to update almost every plugin.  There were tons of config changes, and some added functionality.  I have not had time to update the help page yet, though, so you'll have to find the extra stuff on your own for now.

Current Server Bugs

And now, let's go over the bugs that the server has right now.  They are not severe, but could cause minor issues:

  • Townymod's latest version has a problem with usernames preceding with an underscore (like "_Nod_").  I don't know if this is going to prevent Nod from being part of Towny or not yet.
  • iConomy is throwing database errors upon startup, which in my opinion aren't a problem, but I'll probably want to eventually fix.
  • BigBrother attempts to update the database every time I start the server, despite the database being fully updated.  I'm not sure what impact this will have, but the bug is there.
  • SimpleShop, since it's not updated, is throwing warnings due to it using deprecated craftbukkit function calls.  While this won't affect anything now, this could mean the plugin will no longer be supported if it is not updated soon.
  • The dynmap plugin does not work yet.  I have to wait for an update.   Period.
  • I am not 100% sure wolves will follow you throughout warping.  If you lose a wolf because you were warp-happy, I'm not going to do anything about it.  You were duly warned.

Time for a rant

I got the server up faster than I expected, thankfully, but you people didn't make it easy.  Nothing but nagging left and right, and people actually explicitly logging on to tell me that they are updating and "won't wait around for this server."  Frankly, it royally pissed me off.

When Minecraft got updated to Beta 1.2, it broke hMod completely.  The server was down for three days.  I got nothing but bitching and moaning that the server was down for three days.  Never mind the fact that I was working my ass off during that.  The server was down.  You people couldn't play.

Come Beta 1.3, I got smarter.  I thought it would be smart to allow you people to play on the server in "anarchy mode" with no mods and no rules until I could get the server up with mods and revert.  People did nothing but bitch and complain about it, still complaining that the server was not right and they didn't have iConomy.

Come this last update, I said it would make more sense to keep the server in a stable environment and keep it on Beta 1.3 until I could get the server stable on 1.4.  This way, you lose NOTHING and everything stays as it was.  I got nothing but bitching from people that they couldn't play with wolves and that I wasn't "just updating it already."

Minecraft is a BETA PRODUCT.  INCOMPLETE.  Survival Multiplayer is NOT STABLE SOFTWARE.  IT BREAKS.  I am doing as best of a job as possible as a system administrator by delivering you a stable experience with unstable software and unofficial mods that bring the server into a playable state.  It takes a good deal of effort to turn the mess of plugins into something that actually works, and works all the time.

If you think it's just a matter of "updating a file," go try it yourself.  Sure, you might get it working, but try getting it working so your server stays up and doesn't lose data.  My server only goes down for two reasons: the nightly reboot (which gives you roughly 10 seconds of downtime the most), and for server upgrades.  Since Beta 1.2, the longest my server has been down for upgrades has been about 5 minutes.

If you calculate my uptime percentage, I'm hitting about 99.9%, folks.  Also, as far as data loss goes, I haven't lost any.  Ever. There is not much more I can do to make the server better.  Especially considering the fact that I DO THIS FOR FREE. This is not something you pay for.  If you had to, I can guarantee that you could not afford my rates.

So, enjoy your damn update.  It may be the last one I do for this server.  Go have fun with the stupid wolves.  I won't.  I need a break from Minecraft.


Minecraft 1.4 Updates (April Fools)

Posted by EagleRock

Hey everyone!

I've started some preliminary work on the migration, and I have some updates:

1) Minecraft 1.4 Vanilla appears to work 100%.

Thankfully, I have tested the vanilla 1.4 on Eagleworld.net with no bugs.  So far, so good!

2) Craftbukkit appears to let the server start, but it is very buggy.

It looks as though craftbukkit has been updated, so Minecraft does in fact load on 1.4.  However, we are probably going to have to wait for the next recommended build for it to be stable enough for use.  There are a few bugs, which might affect plugins from working properly.

3) Essentials plugin is riddled with bugs.

Unfortunately, Essentials currently is a mess.  It runs, but with some bugs:

  • Server will occasionally crash unexpectedly
  • Wolves will not work.
  • Your iConomy data might get deleted unexpectedly and you will lose your Talons.
  • You will occasionally get spawned into the Nether.
  • Chat sometimes doesn't work
  • Attempting to purchase from a store will occasionally delete your player inventory.
  • Ore blocks when placed (such as iron or diamond ore) will occasionally disappear.

These are bugs that are not going to get fixed for at least 6-8 weeks.  Essentials requires a complete rewrite for this to work.  I will however roll out the server before then so that we can play on 1.4.  I know everyone is excited for that.

That's all I've got so far.  I hope have more updates soon.  With luck, the server might be running version 1.4 in another 3 weeks or so.

Other Updates

I have some other news:  I'm suspending the Monthly Salary program.  I've decided that monthly salaries just do not make sense on the server, as it does not work fairly towards those that work hard on the server.  Instead, it promotes sloth and unfairly assists the poor on the server.  I'm sure everyone will agree with me on this assessment.

Server Upgrade Progress

As per the post yesterday, I've updated the server upgrade schedule and showed what has been done so far and what is left to do.  Feel free to check it out if you like.

Spoiler Inside

Preparing for Beta 1.4

Posted by EagleRock

Hey, everyone!

Since Beta 1.4 is expected to come any day now (possibly today), I thought it would be smart to post a few reminders for everyone about what they need to do and what they should expect over the next few days:

1. Get the latest Minecraft launcher if you have not yet done so.

This is important to do especially for the recent newcomers to Eagleworld.  While the new installer has been out for a while, it is possible some of you might not have it yet.  If you are using the launcher with news updates right in line, there's nothing you need to do.  If you are using the older launcher (with just the login prompt), please make sure to get the new version on www.minecraft.net. Not doing so will leave you in a lurch come Beta 1.4, because...

2. Eagleworld.net will not automatically update to Beta 1.4.

I know this may disappoint a bunch of you, but this is the way it's going to need to be.  After the last two beta updates, everyone gave me way too much stress and hassle over things I have little to no control over.  I'm not going to go through that again.  Instead, the server will stay running on Beta 1.3 until it is good and ready.  This means...

3. Do not upgrade to Beta 1.4 if you wish to play on Eagleworld.

Simple as that.  If this disappoints you, I am not going to fret over it.  Like I said before, my previous attempts at accommodating everyone were met with harsh criticism and very impatient nagging.  Remember that this is beta software, and every plugin we use/depend-on breaks every time Minecraft is updated.  If you simply cannot wait for Beta 1.4, either back-up your install or forget playing on Eagleworld until 1.4 is rolled out on it.  I simply can't please everyone, and I'm not attempting to do so anymore.

4. I do not want constant nagging about the updates.

Every time the server's been updated or something broke, people just don't leave me alone about it.  If something isn't working or updated on the server, it's either out of my control, or I simply haven't had enough time to do it yet.  I do not offer time-frames or ETA's in any way, because I am not committing myself to any form of deadline.  I can promise you that asking me a million times about it will NOT make me go any faster.  In fact, the opposite might happen.

To make a long story short, if you want to nag me about the update or criticize how long it takes, don't expect an answer you will like.  Let me work at my own pace and I promise you it will get done as fast as my spare time and mental health will allow.

5. Check the blog regularly to stay informed.

In exchange for your not-nagging me about Beta 1.4, I'll make sure you're not kept in the dark about what's going on.  As long as I have any information to pass along to the players, I will make sure I give an update about it.  While I can't give ETA's on how long it'll take, I can at least make sure you know what has been done and what there is left to do.

6. Here's the basic upgrade plan I'm going to follow.

If you're really interested in what I actually have to do to get this going, take a look at my basic upgrade plan below.  Otherwise, just skip it.  Note that these steps are linear and require the previous steps to be done before I can work on them:

Spoiler Inside: Minecraft Beta 1.4 Upgrade Plan


If you bothered to read the list, you can see it's a lot of work to upgrade the server.  Eight of these steps are necessary just to bring the server up on Beta 1.4.  After that, there's still a lot of pushing and pulling needed to bring the server back to full functionality.  Hopefully this upgrade won't as bad as upgrading to 1.3 was (almost 50 hours of labor), but I'm not holding my breath.


Craftbukkit, Towny, BigBrother, and iConomy Updated!

Posted by EagleRock

Hi, everyone!

Well, it's been a few days since I've updated, as I haven't really had any updates to give you. Nothing really changed as far as improvements or bugfixes go, but I have a recent update which I'm glad to announce:

Craftbukkit has been updated from Build 440 to Build 493! This may not sound exciting, but it has certain improvements that come with it:

  • More stability overall
  • Better chunk loading during warps
  • Better support for certain plugins

The last bulletpoint is a good one...we have some new mods installed:

  • iStick is now installed for Mods/Admins
  • WorldEdit is now removed to increase server speed
  • BigBrother is now updated for better undo support
  • iConomy 4.3.3 is now installed
  • TownyMod is now upgraded as well.

iConomy is running and the /money command works, but everyone's net worth is not 100% yet. I still have to install SimpleShop to get the Global Shop back up and running. Once that is ready, you will be able to buy and sell goods from the server once again!

Player Shops still do not have a viable method for me to install. I am still looking.

One last thing...this is important for Town Mayors/Assistants to read: Towny now supports citizen plots. Originally, all of the land you claimed for your town was considered owned by you. Now, all of the plots are unowned. You will need to work out town plots between you and your citizens. Unfortunately, since we weren't following this from the start, people's property might not cleanly fall into town blocks. So, there's really not much we can do about that.

To get more info about TownyMod's new commands, check out the master command list on their webpage: LINK. It'll show the info about how to work with plots and the like.

In the meantime, we are one step closer to having iConomy back! I will work on it more tomorrow once I get the time to do so. I would have had it done tonight, but I got derailed too many times by user requests. So, I'll try for tomorrow!


Server and Blog Updates

Posted by EagleRock

Hey, everyone!

Well, I am proud to announce that I had a few hours between Sunday and tonight (bringing me up to 40 hours of work total so far on the Bukkit migration) to bring a few new features to the server! This is all part of an ongoing effort to make Eagleworld the best Minecraft server possible that can handle all of your Minecraft needs! Here's what I've done:


Monsters are now enabled on the server! Also, since toggling this variable has taken the server out of peaceful mode, auto health regeneration is now disabled. So, all of a sudden, food and armor are no longer useless on the server. :-)

However, those of you that like the peace, don't worry. I've disabled creeper block damage, so land and buildings are safe (you can die from creepers though). Also, TownyMod will clean up monsters that are inside towns, so you are guaranteed monster-free inside a town. Lastly, TownyMod will regenerate your health inside a town, just like peaceful mode did.

Long story short, the survival aspect of Minecraft is back, but it is only in the Wilderness. You city-dwellers are safe. :-)

Blog Updates

The plethora of new features that Bukkit has brought to us can be daunting and complicated. However, I have taken the time to update the Help Page that provides a list of all of the new commands. They are organized by rank, so everyone will know what commands they have access to. I have not yet updated the LWC, Towny, and iConomy sections, but I will eventually.

So, click the Help Page link in the header above (or the last paragraph) to get a detailed list of all basic commands you now have access to!

and lastly...

A New Dynamic Server Map!

Since Minecraft Beta 1.3 changed the map format, we have lost the ability to use Cartograph for our daily map snapshots. However, Dynmap, a Bukkit plugin, takes server mapping to a new level. I have provided a link to the dynamic map on the right hand side of the page (you can also click here).

When you load the page, you will see an up-to-date server map that updates dynamically as users change it. You can navigate the map by clicking and dragging just like you would on Google Maps. You can zoom in or out with the zoom bar on the top left of the page, or by using your mouse's scroll wheel.

The server also shows who is online with the popup menu on the right. You will see the users' locations on the map as well, their locations updating in realtime. The popup menu on the right also lets you see underground locations on the map, as well as hone in on specific users.

Lastly, the dynamic map lets you see the active in-game chat, as well as participate in it! This way, even if you can't play Minecraft, you can keep in touch with your buddies in-game.

I hope these new update provide more fun gameplay for everyone. Creatures in-game will definitely bring new life to gameplay and make hard to obtain items (such as gunpowder) more accessible to the adventurous. Also, Towny has made it possible for you pacificts to still have fun without the dangers of monsters.

The only thing I ask is that if you have not read the previous post yet, PLEASE DO SO. There are TONS of server updates that you will need to know to prepare yourself for the Bukkit version of Eagleworld.net. It's a long read, but I promise you will find the information helpful.

Anyway, have fun with the new features, and let me know if you have any issues. I know the server's been rocky for a while, so spread the word and get players back to Eagleworld, so we can all have fun again!


Server is now up using Bukkit.

Posted by EagleRock

Total hours clocked so far: 34 40.

UPDATE: I have updated a bunch of info in this post. Even if you have read this post, please check through for all stuff with "NEW" in front of it!

This will be a long post, and I expect everyone to read it. There is too much to know about the new server to NOT read this. I have very little patience right now with this server, and any questions easily answered by this post will not be answered nicely.

That being said, let's talk about what's working and what's not.

What is done so far:

  • Minecraft updated to 1.3 and map converted successfully.
  • Craftbukkit (The Bukkit API) is installed at Build 440.
  • Essentials plugin installed (provides all basic commands we like).
  • All warps we use converted to Essentials plugin format. (NEW: Use /warp to see the list of warps. Some have changed named and some have been deleted.)
  • Permissions plugin installed (provides group-based permissions).
  • TownyMod is installed and working. All data imported.
  • LWC (Lightweight Chest Protection) installed and working. Chest Database imported, so all chests are still protected.
  • BigBrother installed to log ALL changes to server. This will let me catch griefers as well as roll back their changes if necessary.
  • WorldEdit installed for Mods/Admins to perform Anti-Griefing as well.
  • WorldGuard installed to restrict Lava, TNT, and Flint and Steel.
  • iConomy is installed, but only the base plugin.
  • All scripts I made/use converted to Bukkit, so backups work fine.
  • NEW: Monsters enabled! Check upcoming post for details.
  • NEW: Bedrock Gap Insurance installed.
  • NEW: Dynamic Maps installed.

What still needs to be done:

  • Set everyone's Talons to their previous amount (could not import).
  • Set everyone's permissions to what they need to be (could not import).
  • Install a Global Shop plugin, as well as a player shop plugin.
  • Install a form of map plguin (preferrably better than the one we had).
  • Figure out what other plugins I need to fix/install.
  • Eventually get more worlds available (such as the nether-realms, a wilderness server, and a fallout server).


  • Warps are all f***ed up due to a 1.3 chunk reload bug. There is absolutely nothing I can do about it. Warps work, but you might die when you teleport to the new area, and it will take a while for everything to load. I WILL NOT respawn items if you lose them in this way for ANY REASON.
  • There is no global shop. No, it's not coming soon. The iConomy plugin updated to 4.0 as of last night, so the shop plugins need to update. Once they do, I will work on it.
  • I will not be doing member salaries right now. If you missed out on February, you will be given a chance to claim it when I am ready again.
  • Maps will not update. Be patient.
  • Monsters will not spawn yet. We are almost ready for them. They'll be here soon. And yes, they will only be outside towns. And yes, Creepers won't kill the land/buildings, but they can kill you. :-)

And most importantly...


  • Wait for me to grant you your proper permissions. Permissions will be given as follows:
    • People with no status stay as Guest.
    • People with member status become a Builder.
    • People with VIP status become an Artisan. This is NOT a demotion. You will have all the same privileges you had before, plus more.
  • NOTE: I will go into the new ranks in detail in another post.
  • Make sure you read /rules in-game again. Just to make sure everyone understands them.
  • Make sure you read all of the new commands that are available through the /help command (use /help 2, /help 3, etc. to see all the pages). I won't get time to do it for a while, as there is still so much to do on the server.
  • Be patient. It's going to be a while before this all works right.
  • If I am not online to give you your rights, don't bitch at me. I've been at this for days, and I need a break.
  • NEW: You will need to set your /home warp again with /sethome.

Anyway, the server is online. Give it a shot. If you have problems, feel free to ask me, but PLEASE double-check the blog first to make sure I didn't address it yet. I'll be updating this post often to make sure everyone is abreast with any server issues or to-dos left.

And if I sound a bit sort, I've just had a real exasperating time with this, so bear with me. Everything WILL work soon, and any bugs or whatever will get ironed out. Otherwise, there are quite a few suprises in store for you thanks to Bukkit, so make sure to check out the /help command and see them all!


Bukkit Migration Update #2

Posted by EagleRock

Still working on it, here.

There's a shit-ton to do left, and it is quite a bit of work, I have to say. The major problem with this is that plugins don't really support flatfile configurations (e.g. stuff plopped into a text file). Now, most plugins only suport SQLite or MySQL databases for their data, which means unless the plugin author provides a conversion tool (most didn't), I have to migrate all of the data by hand. That being said, I have a few updates:

  • iStick is not working at all. I need to look into other mods, such as WorldEdit to give me in-game degriefing tools.
  • GriefAlertr and SignLogger are failing. I am going to look into BigBrother for server data logging. The problem is this mod has bugs, too.
  • Towny is installed, but not tested. I can't get into the damn game because minecraft.net is down...again. However, it looks like all of our data is saved and instantly configured.
  • iConomy is going to cause a major problem. Not only do I need to manually convert all data to SQLite, but it also just updated to a new version. This means I can't even set up a Global Shop until the shop mods are all updated. So, I might get it installed, but it'd be basically useless for now.

Because I can't even launch the game to test my settings, I'm going to have to come back to this later today. Things are getting installed and working, but there are still dozens of hours of configurations to do even after I get the server back online. And I might not even be able to get the server online soon if I can't find some kind of plugin that will have anti-griefing logging. So, I'm really in a bind here. I'm working on it, though. I'll figure it out somehow.


Bukkit Migration Update #1

Posted by EagleRock

BIG POST ALERT - I know it's a large post, but it's in-depth info on what to expect from Bukkit and Eagleworld in the future. It's probably worth a read. :-)

Just wanted to give everyone a bit of an update regarding the migration to Bukkit mod (from hmod). As most of you have seen by the Anarchy Mode server I've plopped on Delorean, the game is basically unplayable compared to what have been used to. No economy, no townymod, and not even freakin' warp points, lol. So, I've been working hard on getting the real server at least to a point where we can play it with the following:

  • Basic core functions we all need (warps, home, etc.)
  • Administrative functions (kick/ban, grief alerts, etc.)
  • Theft protection (such as LWC)
  • Basic Economy Plugin (iConomy with the /money command)
  • A global shop we can buy/sell from

That being said, there are plenty more things we're going to want on top of these core functions:

  • Townymod working as it was before
  • Server mapping functionality, preferably with updated block types
  • Player Shops at least as they were before (if not less cryptic)
  • Town monster protections (so we can enable monsters again)
  • The Nether!

The good thing about these items is that they don't prevent us from playing on the server while I work on them. We'll have all of that in due time, even though it'll take a while.

Anyway, here's the quick synopsis on how far I've gotten on Bukkit:

  • Cleaned up Minecraft directory and prepped it for Bukkit
  • Converted server map directory to Beta 1.3 format (I also checked around to make sure we had no map issues)
  • Retrieved stable build of Bukkit and successfully installed it
  • Installed "Essentials" plugin, which provides the core functionality that hmod used to give us
  • Converted old hmod warps to Essentials
  • Installed "Permissions" pluing, which enables user groups and the ability to grant/restrict permissions to player grous
  • Started work on applying permissions to user groups

The Permissions plugin is going to take me a while to get just right. It's one of those plugins that doesn't actually do anything, but makes the other plugins possible. It also has inspired me to implement a new ranking system for the server.

Potential New Server Ranking System:

  • Guest: - White color - The old default. For new players that have joined. Restricts building rights and only gives access to the most basic commands.
  • Builder: - Cyan color - Same as the former member rank. Gives basic building rights, full member access to mods (Townymod, iConomy, etc.), as well as the ability to use other fun stuff, such as /home and /kit. Not allowed to use destructive items (TNT, Lava, Flint & Steel), nor water buckets. Builders can, however, use water purchased from the Global Shop.
    (NOTE: I'm restricting water to discourage massive usage of it on the server, as well as to discourage water griefing.)
  • Architect: - Yellow color - A new rank that is an extension off the old member rank. Gives full water access, access to better kits, more commands, and other perks.
  • Artisan: - Green color - Same as the former VIP rank. A trusted rank that gives full access to all block types (including destructive items). Also receives better kits, more commands, more stuff.
  • VIP: - Purple color - This VIP isn't the same as the old one! VIP status will truly restricted to only the top members. VIPs will get access to new fancy commands that Bukkit provides, as well as other fun perks such as teleportation powers.
  • Mod: - Blue Color - The same as before. Mods are responsible for maintaining the server and assisting the Administrator. Has access to anti-griefing tools, kick/ban privileges, as well as iStick, the all-in-one admin tool.
  • Admin: - Red Color - The same as before. Has all the mod powers, plus many admins powers as well, such as the ability to spawn items. While I am unsure I will need more admins by myself, the rank is there in case I do.
  • r00t: - Red Color - The same as admin, except that it has full op privileges right from the minecraft application itself (not just Bukkit) and it can basically override anything. Since a proper security scheme should have one admin that can override even other admins in case of some severe compromise, r00t will stay reserved for me.

I'm not 100% sure I'm going to go through with this ranking system, but I'm still thinking it over. I felt like the difference between member and VIP was too much and wanted to give people more opportunities to be able to do more on the server without giving too many rights away to those I didn't truly trust for the role. I also wanted to make the ranks something else to make the server more fun, but not make it too hierarchical to the point where it detracts from the game in any way. I'm open to suggestions if any of you have any good ideas.

Anyway, seeing as it's almost 5AM here in NJ, I'm calling it a night. I hopefully will get a lot more done tomorrow, as I have no pressing things to do besides get Minecraft and Bukkit running!


Minecraft Updated to Beta 1.3, hMod Broken Again

Posted by EagleRock

Well, I think we all knew this day would come. Good ol' Notch gave us many more new things in Beta 1.3, but naturally we can't use them right away.

If you'll remember the last time this happened, we were down for quite a bit since everything we use on the server (iConomy, TownyMod, etc.) depend on hMod. Finally someone decided to update hMod for us and we were back up and running, but it wasn't without pain and suffering to get to that point. Unfortunately, we're going to have to go through it again.

If you read this post on minecraftforum.net, you'll see the current maintainer of hMod isn't going to be around until the end of February, so we won't be able to get hMod back up and running until at least a few days into March.

However, there might be another answer besides hMod. While Bukkit (the new server mod being developed to replace hMod) is not officially released due to licensing issues with Mojang Specifications, it looks as though it is a quite bit more stable than when I last looked at it. Also, I have perused the list of supported mods. Here's the ones we care about:

  • iConomy - Vital to Eagleworld. Luckily, Bukkit has it!
  • iCShop - Vital to Eagleworld. Does NOT exist. However, there are plugins available that provide shop functionality to iConomy. It will be messy, but it can be done.
  • Towny - Vital to Eagleworld. And YES, Bukkit has it finally!
  • GriefAlert - Highly Important. While GriefAlert does not exist, someone developed "GriefAlertr" which is meant to work as the old one did. So, we're good!
  • BedrockGapInsurance - Not vital, but desired. But, Bukkit has it!
  • LWC - Not vital, but some form of chest protection is needed. Bukkit has it!
  • Cartographer - Important. Unfortunately, Beta 1.3 has changed the directory structure of the map so it won't work. But, fortunately, there ARE map programs for Bukkit, and it looks as though they will be an improvement, too!

So, thankfully, most if not all Eagleworld plugins are covered, or at least a viable alternative is in place. So, I think it's best we moved to Bukkit at this point. It will take a while to port Eagleworld over, and I have to convert all of iConomy to SQLLite as opposed to flatfile, which will take a while, too. Also, adopting some of the new plugins will be complete hell.

This WILL be difficult to peform and will take a while. But, if Bukkit is released soon, I can hopefully get the server running before I would have had it running waiting around for hMod. I think the cutover will be good for the server and will not only make it faster, but the plugins will be better.

And, if all else fails, I'll have a backup I can restore if hMod gets released and Bukkit turns out complete crap.

So, please please please be patient. It will easily take me days of work to complete this. I'll keep everyone updated on the blog.