Eagleworld.net Minecraft Blog More Minecraft than ever before!


Eagleworld on 1.9pre4 and Town Applications

Hey, everyone!

I have updated the minecraft test server to 1.9 prerelease 4.  Please get the Minecraft jar file here:

Download Here

The instructions are here:

Spoiler Inside: Installing Minecraft 1.9 Prerelease 4

Town Applications

So far, I have received a few town applications, and wanted to give all members of Eagleworld the view of the potential towns so far.  Please note that NO TOWNS HAVE YET BEEN APPROVED, with the exception of Capitol City (duh).  These are merely the towns I have gotten applications for so far.  You can use this as a guide to see what is already out there to see what people's ideas are, and figure out if you want to pledge to a particular town.  Expand the spoilers below to get a preview of each town:

Spoiler Inside: Capitol City - EagleRock
Spoiler Inside: Thrice - Runninghobo
Spoiler Inside: Awkward Silence - Openminded
Spoiler Inside: Ironforge - Karaktar
Spoiler Inside: Xenturz - XmetroidfanX

As I get more town applications, I will post them here.


Posted by EagleRock

Comments (22) Trackbacks (0)
  1. I am Excited as hell! Some of these new towns are going to kick some major ass! :D

  2. awsome work pete thanks we really needed a place for ppl to see the proposed towns also pre 4 yayayayayayayay im so happy btw if anyone wants dragons i posted a link for the mod to spawn them in the pre 3 area i hate reposting things also it works in smp but no one else but you can see them (thank god cause i really scared my self they break block when flying through them but they cant do that in smp) i realeased one way away from spawn and it flew straight there like a arrow

  3. they sound nice so far, i’ll join a town like i did the first time i did. whoever hounds me to join thier town (like put downs on other towns, bribes that never actually happen, and bragging about your town.) the best gets it.

  4. I’ve been trying to connect for awhile now. Keeps saying outdated client. I’ve followed the guide many times.

    Is it possibly because my minecraft was updated with 1.8 when it initially came out? Any way to revert that?

    • yes download pre 4 link above then copy and paste the file it should be called minecraft.jar into your bin folder located in %appdata%/minecraft for win or application support in mac and if you want to keep playing 1.8 i suggest you copy the current minecraft.jar file that is there and put it somwhere then you can just copy paste the appropriate file for the version you want to play fyi it says outdated client because your jar is 1.8 and the server is 1.9 pre 4

    • the only other thing i could suggest is to delete your minecraft bin entirely and let it re update to 1.8.1 then continue with the intructions above, note just delete the bin if you delete the whole folder containing the bin you will lose your saves.

      yes tim i know still no grammar im working on it really i am trust me.

  5. You pretty much told me to do what the guide that Pete put up says to do. I said I followed the guide many times. No luck.

  6. Hey Guys,

    I know I haven’t played in ages (work got really crazy) but I’ve been trying to keep up with the blog and with 1.9 coming out I thought I might try to play again. I managed to get logged in today but couldn’t get my console working, is there anything new I need to do with 1.9 that I missed or have I forgotten something or do I just need to log in when other people are on to get my permissions setup again? Either way I hope all is well.

  7. Hey all, As soon as 1.9 is all set Ill be making a return to the server. I had to stop playing for a few reasons but I will return soon :)

  8. Hmm. My plan was to build a castle on a rock with a big, fortified bridge connecting it to the mainland. Looks like that would fit best in either Capitol’s Heights or perhaps Ironforge. I’ll see what has the best plot once the map’s generated! :D

  9. Oh, by the way – just to confirm, the map we use when 1.9 rolls around is going to be a different one, right? So there’s no point scouting nice locations?

  10. I’m sticking with 1.8 for a while longer, but I’d love to join Ironforge when 1.9 is officially rolled out.

  11. Not sure if this is where I do this, but here it goes…

    BattleToads’ Super Awesome Happy Fun Time Town Application:

    Name: Onette
    Mayor: BattleToads
    Pledging Citizens: Aislyn10, SnarlyCharly44
    Location: Any forest biome will do.

    Theme: This will be a replica of Onette (Ness’ home town) from EarthBound, the game we all know and love.

    How it will be run: Very laid back, open atmosphere. It is expected that members share their items/resources with other players (within reason) and they will do the same for you. (OMG COMMUNISM) Only rules are the official server rules. Basically, don’t be an idiot. Any houses or buildings built must either be a direct replica of a building from Onette or use a similar color scheme. I will be happy to help out in this regard. Flaming netherrack buildings, for example, would completely destroy the atmosphere of the town.

    Additional Description: I feel it is important to recreate the landmark buildings from the game such as Ness’ house (I call dibs), the hospital, drugstore, runaway five van, etc. Some of these buildings can be quite large (such as the hospital) and will require a town effort to complete, though it should be a rich and rewarding experience for all.

    The most difficult aspect of building this town, I feel, would be the proportioning. It is somewhat awkward to take a 2D 16-bit game and translate it into the 3D world of MineCraft. With a little brainstorming however, we should make it work fairly easily.

    • You could’ve just chained it off the latest post, but this is fine here…I got it and I can work with this.

      Application looks good so far. I may have a few questions for you which I can always ask over Skype. I’m making a new post in the near future with the status of towns, and I’ll include you in on it.

      In the meantime, if you want to find a location for the town if it gets approved, please do so. You can set one of your homes to it or something so I can see where it is.

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